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Are Your Organic Fruits And Vegetables Really Organic?

Organic market in Singapore is still in its infancy. Most organic food consumers are expats and middle and upper class Singaporeans who lived or studied abroad and were exposed to the value of the organic food. The country is too small to produce much of its own organic food, so the consumers depend on the imports. Fresh organic food – organic fruits and vegetables - mostly comes from Australia and New Zealand, but some of it comes from other countries in the region: Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China. When the organic food comes to the Singapore stores, it is supposed...

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Going Organic – Worth the Switch?

Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, once said that “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” which stressed the importance of nutrition in preventing and curing of diseases. Put simply – you become what you eat. Before the advent of industrial agriculture and food processing, people ate staples such as grains, fruits and vegetables that were grown and preserved naturally, and meat from animals that lived and grazed freely. Today, those foods come from a multi-billion dollar supply chain which uses modern interventions such as chemical fertilisers and pesticides that are harmful to health. Although high...

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Are You Eating Too Much Pesticides - Go For Organic Vegetables

We are the victims of our own development. In the old times, when people were growing their own food, organic vegetables where the only vegetables available. Because of the need to feed so many people – there are 6 billions of us on Earth today – we had to produce much more food in a short time, so we started using insecticides and pesticides. They kill bugs that affect our food production, but they have potential to kill us as well, or at least seriously affect our health. Some of the chemicals used to control pests are relatively harmless, but...

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