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How to buy Organic Vegetables in Singapore: 8 Tips & Tricks

How to buy Organic Vegetables in Singapore: 8 Tips & Tricks   As far as I can tell, Singapore is going all-natural. According to a Nielsen poll, organic fruits and vegetables are purchased by four out of ten Singaporeans regularly buying organic fruits and vegetables.   Nowadays, individuals are more concerned about their health and well-being than ever before. Organic meats are now accessible to humans' carnivorous side due to the growing popularity of organic items. Let's take a closer look at organics by defining the term first.   "Organic" is a phrase used to describe how certain foods are...

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10 Superfoods that Speed Up Recovery After Surgery

When people experience pain in their body, external or internal, that requires an operation, then they undergo surgery. Undergoing surgery is not an easy encounter, and it overeats energy on a person's body. To recover quickly, they need to eat foods that will help speed up and regain energy used. Not only does the body need extra calories to heal, but surgery also triggers a stress response in the body, which boosts metabolism and caloric requirements. If a person does not adequately feed their recuperation, issues are more likely to occur.   Do not be afraid to get into surgery...

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Going Organic – Worth the Switch?

Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, once said that “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” which stressed the importance of nutrition in preventing and curing of diseases. Put simply – you become what you eat. Before the advent of industrial agriculture and food processing, people ate staples such as grains, fruits and vegetables that were grown and preserved naturally, and meat from animals that lived and grazed freely. Today, those foods come from a multi-billion dollar supply chain which uses modern interventions such as chemical fertilisers and pesticides that are harmful to health. Although high...

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